Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Your bottom line is NOT to be crossed

In reading Tyrese Gibson's self help book "How to Get out of Your Own Way" has opened my eyes to a few things that I have become blind to.  What has stuck out to me the most is when he talks about his bottom line.  Before I read this book I never had a bottom line.  I was the type of person that just went with the flow and whatever happened happened.  I felt I would deal with things as they came.  In doing this it has put me into some uncomfortable situations.  Situations that might have been different if I had a bottom line.

What is a bottom line?  A bottom line is a boundary that NO ONE is allowed to cross.  Not even your parents, siblings, neighbors, friends, girlfriends/boyfriends can cross this line. It puts a limit to what you will put up with.  As the saying goes "if you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything."  This rings true if you do not have a bottom line. 

When setting your bottom line for your life, business and/or relationships you have to first ask yourself:  What am I willing to put up with?  If my significant other cheats on me can I forgive them enough to fix the trust that has been broken?  You are not living up to what you promised in your business do I give you another chance to prove yourself? Once you have set your bottom line STICK TO IT! 

Here are 3 tips on setting AND sticking to your bottom line:

1.  Reflect on past experiences:   Many people set bottom lines based on past experiences when their bottom line never existed.  Often times we never know how much of something we can take until we actually experience it.  Once it happens and we know how it make us feel, we know we do not ever want to experience it again.  From that a bottom line is born.

2.  Be upfront about it:  Honesty is the BEST policy.  Letting people know upfront what you will NOT tolerate in your life sets a foundation.  If they chose to break it then they cannot say they were not aware of how you felt about certain things. 

3.  Stick to it:  Like many things in life and business consistancy is KEY!  This applies to your bottom line as well.  Do not let some cross and punish others that do.  Once you have set the rules for your life and/or business they should not be broken.  If people know they can cross your bottom line without penalty then they will continue to do it.  Never allow them to push you to a breaking point.  So if you won't put up with it from some, you shouldn't put up with it from none.

Life is all about boundaries.  We set them for a reason, to not be someone's door mat that they can walk all over.  Stay true to yourself, respect yourself and others will follow suit.

To a new YOU!

Trakelia Jimerson
Life/Business/Motivational/Inspirational Coach
Reviving YOU is what I do!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Struggle Within

Life is full of struggles, but the hardest struggle is the struggle from within.  WELCOME TO MY WORLD! Hello everyone my name is Trakelia Jimerson and I am a woman that struggled with my innerself.  What I mean by that is, I knew what God wanted me to do but I was too busy convincing myself that I COULDN'T do it instead of trusting God and knowing that I COULD do it.  "IT" being becoming the best mother, daughter, sister and friend I could be to those around me.  Instead I let FEAR take over me instead of allowing FAITH to guide me.  I let fear talk me out of so much that I became stuck in this box I felt I could not get out of.

Today I no longer walk in fear but I walk in FAITH! Faith that God has my back and my front.  Knowing He is all around me protecting me and guiding me to where HE wants me to be.  Just 4 years ago I did not have this feeling.  I did not know this feeling existed.  Until I realized that I could be so much more in my life and in the lives of those I come in contact with, I lived in self-doubt instead of in self-motivation. A friend once told me "you have to live your life according to these three words in this exact order:  faith, focus and patience."  That conversation stuck with me and because of it I am a better mother, daughter, sister and friend. 

My prayer for the readers of my intro blog is to live your life with FAITH, FOCUS and PATIENCE.  Never live the life others spell out for you but the life God has spelled out for you.  You only have one life and that life should be lived happily ever after!

To a new YOU,

Trakelia Jimerson
Life/Business/Motivational/Inspirational Coach
Reviving YOU is what I do!